Book Review: The Rested Soul by Tessa Afshar

I first learned of Tessa Afshar and her award-winning biblical fiction novels when I heard her speak at a writer’s meeting a few years ago. I appreciated her workshop, and her books sounded intriguing (plus one of my writer friends is a big fan), so I started following Tessa on social media and receiving her monthly newsletters. While I still haven’t read one of her novels (but I really want to!), I’ve been tremendously blessed by Tessa’s gracious, thoughtful devotionals both on Instagram and in her newsletter. She writes with eloquent grace and simple profundity, often using object lessons or personal experience to convey deep and relevant spiritual truths—and in only a few paragraphs, at most.

So when I learned she was releasing a devotional book, The Rested Soul, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. The door unexpectedly opened for me to read a digital ARC (advanced review copy) before the publication date, in exchange for my honest review, so while I didn’t exactly pre-order my own copy, it was truly the hand of God that gifted me with this opportunity at this time.

I didn’t know how badly I needed this book until I started reading. In the midst of recent, increased challenges, I’ve realized how NOT rested my soul is, and it was in this place that The Rested Soul ministered profoundly to me. I was blessed. I was challenged. I was convicted. I was encouraged. I was refreshed.

Every devotional draws from at least one main Scripture passage, presenting deep truth artfully framed in an extended illustration that helps bring the truth to life, and to the reader’s heart. After a few pages, each devotional concludes with a pattern of reflection, prayer, and application that encourages the reader to truly embrace the Scripture promises presented. While this book is short enough to be read in two or three sittings (one sitting for the dedicated or fast reader), each devotional presents such depth that I recommend the reader meditate on one devotional a day to let the truth really sink in.

I don’t know what I appreciated most: the thought-provoking (and convicting) questions at the end of each devotional; the variety of verses that reinforce the same theme; Tessa’s artful use of common objects or processes (a sunflower, a rug, gardening, glass-blowing) to illustrate spiritual themes; the way she so sensitively and beautifully encourages but challenges her reader; the depth of meaning in a simple phrase that asks the reader to sit for a few extra minutes to unpack the full import; or the rich and personal prayers included with each devotional that turn the reader’s heart upward with fresh praise, conviction, and worship.

I also can’t praise the photography enough. Taken by Tessa’s husband, each photo not only highlights the theme of the devotional but also adds another kind of refreshment for the soul: the refreshment of visual beauty, expertly captured and tastefully included. I often felt my heart go “ahhhh” in a sigh of peace as I admired the scenes or portraits of nature, animals, or simple objects. Yet these photos do more than add a nice aesthetic to the book; they encourage worship and gratitude in the reader and ultimately add to the message of the devotional in bringing rest to the weary soul.

This book is specifically written for someone in a season of anxiety or discouragement (or both), and Tessa addresses these forces with the power of personal experience (the “I’ve been there” and “I understand how you feel”) combined with the power of God’s truth (the “Here is what God says” and “This is what we need to hear”). I received encouragement from her sympathy, felt welcomed by her transparency, and was blessed by the Bible truths that ministered to her.  

As someone who also struggles with chronic illness, I especially appreciated Tessa’s transparency about her season dealing with chronic physical trials, and the emotional and spiritual hardships that came along. While perhaps not designed especially for readers with chronic illness, anyone who has faced or is facing a season of physical difficulty will find special comfort, encouragement, and conviction in these devotionals.

I highly recommend Tessa Afshar’s devotional The Rested Soul to any believer who is walking through the dark valley of discouragement or anxiety. The Scripture truths, Tessa’s sweet writing style, and her husband’s photography together present a beautiful, powerful devotional that will help the anxious, discouraged heart find rest in God.

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